Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Classic Carrie

My friend Allison had a baby yesterday. This, of course, was cause for immediate celebration on my end! I love babies.........especially OTHER people's babies! Being the good friend that I am, I promptly called the hospital to get Allison's room number so I could send her a gift basket to mark the arrival of wee Sophia.

After working all day, followed by dinner at my parents' house, I was finally able to make it to the hospital around 7:00 last night. I was so eager to meet this new baby girl! Sophia was the newest member of James and Allison's crew, joining big sister Alexandra (who is almost 6). James and Allison are near and dear to my heart, and I knew how special this day was for all involved. I could barely contain my excitement as I made my way past the nursery, towards the patient rooms.

When I got to Allison's room, the door was closed (no surprise there), so I gingerly knocked, not wanting to disturb anyone, lest they were sleeping. A dashing young man, whom I presumed to be one of James's friends, opened the door and welcomed me in. There were people everywhere! Not surprising, given how large Allison's family is.

I walked into the room, pushed aside the curtain, and was greeted by the sight of mom with new baby, doing the most primal and instinctual thing in the world - nursing her. Never mind that there were a good 10 people in the room - mom's bosom was on display for all to behold. There was only one teeny, tiny problem.

The mom in the bed wasn't my friend Allison.

Yeah, it seems the hospital had given me the wrong room number earlier in the day. Oops. Needless to say, I immediately turned to salt, while my face turned a dozen shades of red.

I brilliantly stated to the new mom, "Why, you're not Allison!", to which the new mom graciously replied, "Umm, nope. I'm not."

I offered a hasty apology and sincere congratulations all at once (it came out "ohmygodi'msosorrycongratsonyournewbaby"), and then fled the scene as fast as I could.

Just think how special I made that moment for that new mommy. She's gonna remember me forever.


Chris said...

Ok, I literally sat here and giggled out loud all the way to the end. You tell stories like I do, and I absolutely love it! Thank you for sharing this, it made my day a little lighter. rotflmao!

Blondefabulous said...


OK....I think I stopped laughing. Don't feel bad. I nursed all fo my kids and unless you are a new mom who has never had a kid before, most of us don't give a flying flip if someone walks in and sees the most natural thing in the world going on.


Sorry. Had to laugh again. Couldn't help it!

Anonymous said...

I just pee-ed myself, twice.. :)

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

That's hilarous!