Saturday, June 21, 2008

Growth and Grace

Life is so funny in the lessons it chooses to teach us. Life. Karma. God. All synonymous with "what goes around, comes around." Sometimes I have to remind myself to step back, take a deep breath, and reflect on the bigger picture. It is only when I do that, that I'm able to learn and grow.

Witness my growth today.

I discovered that I can empower myself richly and immediately out here in cyberspace..........all by deftly wielding the tiny but powerful "delete" key.

Delete. Not a particularly pleasant word. It usually has some sort of negativity associated with it. I've always felt bad about deleting people / comments / etc. from my webpages, blogs, etc. I don't know why - it's cyberspace, for crying out loud! Nonetheless, I've always held on to people that I shouldn't, for fear of either missing something or hurting their feelings.

That changed today.

Like it or not, it's a fact that we all have people in our lives - for whatever reason - that serve more to bring us down rather than build us up. Sometimes we're connected to them by blood, sometimes by marriage, and other times by weird circumstances of the universe. What I grew into today, though - and for what I'm very thankful for - is this: as I grow and evolve, I'm giving myself permission to shed negative layers of my old self. That means not living in the past, and not holding on to unrealistic expectations of others. Sad as it may be, sometimes friendships end. And when that happens..........remember that you have a choice in how you handle it.

I'm handling it with grace.

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