Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So long, 2008

Ah, 2008. What a beast you have been. As I write this entry on the last day of this year, I am not the least bit sad to see you go. In the history of me, you made the top three list in "worst / hardest / saddest years of my life". How d'ya like THEM apples? Hmmm?

Granted - not everything was bad, 2008. New friends came into my life when I needed them most. Strength was acquired from reserves in me that I never knew existed. Lessons - hard lessons - were learned. Forgiveness was granted, both by me and to me. I fell down many times, but kept getting up on my (sometimes shaky) feet.

But 2008, in many other ways, you kicked my ass and had your way with me during the past 365 days (we got 1 extra day because of Leap Year. Lucky us.). There was the saga of the ankle injury, ultimately resulting in surgery. There was the bout of pneumonia over my birthday (thanks for the great timing). There was the whole stress of THE incident (I trust you know what I'm talking need to divulge details). And of course......there was the uproarious joke of me re-entering the world of dating. 2008, you had a wicked sense of humor. Prior to this year, the last time I really "dated" was in 1996. Many laughs were had - both BY me and AT me - in regards to this debacle. Thanks for that.

So, 2008, I hope you'll understand why I'm so eager to bid you farewell. It's nothing personal. It's just.....I need more out of my years. While I don't subscribe to the notion of "resolutions", there are some changes I'll be implementing in 2009. Simply, I'm just going to do things better. Not "try". "Do". I'm GOING to eat healthier foods. I'm GOING to make exercise my friend. I'm GOING to get out of my house more. I'm GOING to be the change I long to see in my life. The role of 2009 will be simple: God willing, I will be provided with the days in which to DO more good.

Alright, 2008. That's all I've got to say. While I appreciate your visit, it's really time for you to be going. Here, let me get that door for you......


Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Here's to wishing you a better 2009!

Happy New Year!

Chris said...

I concur whole heatedly. Goodbye 2008. I welcome your replacement.

Kelley said...

2008 can't get out of here fast enough for me. "Don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha" :)

I hope 2009 has some nice things planned....I know I do.